“The Break-up of the Western States”
A drop of rain reminds me
The world was once an ocean
A blue blanket folded around us
The crests of wool were waves
We were close, and warm
Panthalassa kept us afloat
Until the great ocean dried
We circled the whirlpool on rafts
Made from dinosaur bones
Washed up on the banks of the river
Fell asleep while the stars moved
To a different corner of the sky
When you left my heart dried too
It sprouted twigs and a squirrel’s tail
I put it on a hat, and set out to explore
The American West in a canoe
You hired a guide for me
Half Shoshone, half redwood
You knew we would fall in love
You just wanted me happy
His skin was soft bark
His eye bled sideways tears
Of dew, the leaves caught them
In the middle of the night
While the animals were asleep
I called him Cinnamon
His sister was Almendra
She was half Spanish, half shooting star
When it rained again it became a flood
We gathered together
Underwater in a net
Cinnamon pushed his roots into the mud
Almendra lifted her shining hair into the sky
Pull your heart apart and feed it to the fish
They spoke through bubbles in the stream
You will melt into the water and be no more
But the fish will grow legs and walk on land
Their arms will become branches
This land will go on
Your river will spread fingers
Multiply, divide
Run to the sea
James Joseph Brown’s writing has appeared in Desert Companion, Santa Fe Literary Review, Hot Metal Bridge, Connotation Press, Red Rock Review, Canyon Voices, The Whistling Fire and other journals and anthologies. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Visit him at www.jamesjosephbrown.com.